Lecture#3 | Idealism the height of Liberism00:20:03
Lecture#4 | Liberalism and Its Kinds00:20:09
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Paper—1 (Marks-100)
I. Introduction § The Definition and Scope of International Relations. § The Nation-State System § Evolution of International Society II. Theories and Approaches § The Classical Approaches-Realism and idealism § The Scientific Revolution-Behavioral Approach, System Approach, § Neo-realism, Neo-liberalism. § Post-modernism, Critical Theory, Feminism, Constructivism III. International Political Security. § Conceptualization of security in the twenty-first century § Power. Elements of National Power § Balance of Power § Foreign Policy: Determinants, Decision making and analysis § Sovereignty § National Interest IV. Strategic Approach to International Relation. § War: Causation of War, Total War, Limited War, Asymmetric Warfare, civil war, Guerilla war § Strategic Culture: Determinants of Pakistani Strategic Culture. § Deterrence: Theory and practice with special reference to Nuclear India and Pakistan V. International Political Economy. § Theories in IPE: Mercantilism, Economic Liberalism, and neo- Marxism § Theories of Imperialism, Dependence and Interdependence VI. International political community. § Nationalism § Internationalism § Globalization VII. Approaches to Peace § Diplomacy § International Law § Arms Control /Disarmament and Nuclear Non proliferation Regime VIII. International Political Institution § United Nations § International Monetary Fund (IMF) § World Bank § International Court of Justice Paper- II Marks-100 I. International Relation between two Wars § Russian Revolution, Fascism, League of Nations, Second World War II. Cold War § Decolonization in Asia and Africa. § Rise of United States and Soviet Union, § Era of Tight Bipolarity, Détente and Loose Bipolarity, Revival of Cold W ar III. Post Cold War § End of History, Clash of Civilization, Terrorism, Globalization, unipolarity New world Order IV. International and Regional Organizations § League of Nation, United Nations, Regional Organizations, EU, ASEAN, NAFTA, SAARC, SCO, OIC, ECO, WTO. § Reforms in the United Nations, World Bank and the IMF V. Foreign Policy of Selected Countries § USA, Russia, China, UK, India, Pakistan and EU VI. South Asia § Peace-making and Peace-Building in South Asia: Analytical overview of peace processes between/among the states of South Asia especially between India and Pakistan. § India and Pakistan: Overview of agreements and accords, Indus Water Treaty; Composite Dialogue; Sir Creek & Siachen border, Visa and People to people contact; Trade; and Role of civil society § Afghanistan: Cold war theatre; Soviet Invasion Mujahedeen; Geneva Accord; Post Cold War situation—Rise of Taliban, AL-Qeada & 9/11; Operation Enduring Freedom; The Bonn Process- Withdrawal VII. Weapons of Mass Destruction § Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons § Nuclear Weapon States- Programs and Postures: Indian-Pakistan Nuclear Doctrines § Nuclear Non –Proliferation Regime: International Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Non- proliferation Treaty; Nuclear Supplier Group; Partial Test Ban Treaty; Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty; Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty § Challenges of Non-Proliferation, Nuclear Civil Deal Regime § The Missile Defence Systems and their impact on global strategic environment § Militarization and Weaponization of Space. VIII. Contemporary Issues § Indian Ocean and PACIFIC Ocean; Great Powers Moves and hegemony § Kashmir Issue § Palestine Issue
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